Every day we make choices about what we will do with the time that we are given. Study? Work? Play? Exercise? Relax? We trade our time in exchange for pleasure, money, to achieve notoriety, or for whatever things that we believe are important. In point of fact, our life “time” is all we really have to give or trade that can belong only to us. For every day that we are given we each get the same amount of time, 24 hours. Time passes so quickly and the fact that we can get no more, makes the choices of how we use this gift very important. The question then becomes, what are you trading your life in exchange for? At life’s end will you feel the tradeoff was worth it? Are you trading for temporal passing things or permanent eternal value? Do not let your life pass by without giving serious thought to this question. Are your days traded for helping others, making a difference, leaving a legacy of love and joy after you are gone or for things that will pass away with you? This is a question you must decide, the call on every life is different. What is the calling on your life? What are you leaving behind? What are you trading your life for?
Psalm 119:105,
Psalm 32:8,
James 1:5