“And to follow the Star wherever it went”

Y. E.
2 min readDec 6, 2021


(From the Christmas carol “The First Noel”)

Photo by Sergey Pesterev on Unsplash

As the Star shone brightly in the sky far across the desert, two young men marveled at what they saw and talked of the future:

Do you think he will really go? That’s all he talks about these days, the Star and where it leads.

Oh, I am sure of it. I heard him talking with the other men last night. He is gathering others who want to go, who want to know if the prophecy is true, who want to follow the Star.”

Do you believe the star means that the Messiah has come? Oh, how I wish we could go, but you know that they will say we are too young.”

Of course, they will. They always do, except when there is work to be done. We will just have to wait to hear the news on their return.”

But it could be months.

The time will go quickly. There is always much to do and with so many men gone, the work will multiply. Don’t worry, one day we will ride camels out to explore the world also. But for now, there are chores to be done.”

Perhaps a conversation like this took place those many years ago before one of the Kings left to follow the Star. Those from around the world who saw Jesus’ star, were in great wonder. They had studied the heavens for years and were truly knowledgeable, but this phenomenon was different. They had never seen anything like it. They had to know what it symbolized. Where did it or would it lead? Were the prophesies true? Would it lead to the Messiah?

Three Magi set out to follow the star. They brought gifts of appreciation and honor. When they found Him, they worshipped Him because they understood, at least on some level, that this was the God of the universe come in human flesh. Their gifts though precious, had been material. His gift was the gift of love, joy, peace, and eternal life.

If you had been there in those days, would you have followed the Star? Would you have sought the Savior? The Magi sought Him, at great sacrifice and were rewarded by having the opportunity to behold the face of God. In a world so full of fear, pain, and need what are you willing to sacrifice to find the Savior? What are you willing to do to help others find the healing and peace we all so desperately seek? Are you willing to follow the Star wherever it leads?



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